Wednesday, 27 September 2017

5 Steps to Financial Freedom - Practical Tips to a More Passionate Life

Taking the necessary steps to financial freedom is something that a lot of people are after, but when you think about being free, are you just looking for a pile of money?

Most people just want a lot of money, because that, in their mind means true freedom, but in reality you do not need a pile of cash. Living within your means and building a passive income stream is simple. I know, because I have done it.

When you realize that you do not have to make tons of money it really takes the pressure off. The truth is that you CAN do what you love and make a living, you just have to be creative and be willing to try new things.
With all that said, here are 5 steps to financial freedom that are practical and easily implemented if you are determined.

1. Clarity is the absolute first step. Determining what your passions are and what you really want to do can seem overwhelming. I had this problem. The simple solution is to start doing something that you think you like and don't be afraid of making mistakes.

2. Goals come second. Set short-term and long-term goals because they will help tell your subconscious mind what you want. It will in this way help bring you closer to the things you want. Be open to possibilities that you did not expect, because they usually come in different forms.

3. Taking Action is the third step and one that many people have trouble with. Procrastination is a huge time waster. The reason people have trouble taking action is because of fear and not being able to trust their journey.

4. Trusting yourself and the path is essential. When you realize that you can go with the flow of life, even if negative things can happen sometimes, you realize that life is a game that is meant to be played with joy.
5. Enjoying life is something that a lot of people have trouble with. In the end, it is up to you how you interpret each external circumstance that comes your way. Two people can have completely opposite reactions to the same external reality.

Quick Summary
Discovering your passion and learning what you truly love is what it is all about. Now, if you're thinking that you aren't passionate about anything you're wrong, because we are all here for a reason and I promise you that when you dig deeper, you'll find the thing that truly sets you on fire and brings joy to your life.

If you want to learn more and discover how you can get paid to do what you love, please visit my website at


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